ServiceSocial Media & Digital Strategy
IndustryFMCG Public Relation
Aligned with Danone Indonesia's vision, namely One Planet One Health, Danone Indonesia as one of the biggest FMCG companies is committed to bring health to as many people as possible through their products and initiatives. Therefore, they educate people and spread inspiring stories through the company's social media account to raise awareness that our health correlates strongly with the planet's health.
At the end of 2021, Danone Indonesia just recently launched their social media and want to carry message that they are a friendly company, as this commitment has already been implemented internally on their company. Based on this objective, the content delivery should remain light and trendy since the topic of the company's internal news leans towards heavier topics.
We use tools to analyze what's currently trending, so that when we make contents we can connect on a deeper level to our target audience, not only as a company, but also as a best friend for employees, children, consumers, youth, and parents. Other than that, we also should be flexible in terms of working on reactive contents or fulfilling content request from client, delivering quick and on track adjustment.
On a short period of time, Danone Indonesia managed to gain 10k followers, getting those people to know about Danone Indonesia better through what they do in business and their initiatives for the environment. It could be achieved by delivering contents that matches the company's value and audience's interest.
We would be more than happy to listen to your story, so don't hesitate to contact us!
Jl Woltermonginsidi no 24 A,
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan,
We would be more than happy to listen to your story, so don't hesitate to contact us!
Jl Woltermonginsidi no 24 A,
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan,